Copier Environment
Copier Environment
The installation location should be carefully chosen because environmental conditions greatly
affect the performance of a copier.
- Optimum environment conditions -
tJ Temperature: 10- 30”C (50 - 86°F)
Cl Humidity:
15- 90?40
D A strong and level base.
0 The copier must be level within 5 mm (0.2”) both front to rear and left to right.
D To avoid possible build-up of ozone, make sure to locate this copier in a large well ventilated
room which has air turnover of more than 30ms/hr/person.
Environments To Avoid
D Locations exposed to direct sunlight or strong light (more than 1,500 Iux).
D Locations directly exposed to cool air from an air conditioner or heated air from a
heater. (Sudden temperature changes may cause condensation within the copier.)
D Places where the copier may be subjected to frequent strong vibration.
C! Dusty areas.
Cl Areas with corrosive gases.
~ Places higher than 2,000 m
(6,500 ft) above sea level.