5-14 Troubleshooting
Stacker x Paper Full
Remove Paper
The stacker is full. x is the stacker
Remove the paper.
Stacker x Top Cover Open
Close Cover
The top cover of the indicated stacker
is open. x is the stacker number.
Close the cover.
Stacker x V Path Cover Open
Close Cover
The V path cover of the indicated
stacker is open. x is the stacker
Close the cover.
Sub Tray Cover Open
Close Cover
Self-explanatory. Close the cover.
Sub Tray Paper Full
Remove Paper
Self-explanatory. Remove the paper.
Switch Back Cover Open
Close Cover E045
Close the switch back cover (on the
left side of the printer).
Toner Collector Bottle Full
Replace Bottle E010
Self-explanatory. Replace the toner collector bottle.
Toner Collector Not Set
Check Toner Bottle E01D
The toner collector bottle is not seated
Reseat the bottle.
Toner Low
Add Toner
Print quality will diminish until toner is
Supply toner.
Toner Out
Supply Toner E011
The toner supply is empty Supply toner.
Tray 1 Open
Close Tray E020
Self-explanatory. Close the tray.
Tray 1, 2, or 3 Open Self-explanatory. Close the tray.
Tray 1, 2, or 3
Load xxx E090
The wrong paper size is loaded in the
Load the specified tray with the
requested paper size.
Tray 1, 2, or 3
Load xxx
The specified tray needs paper.
Load the specified tray with the
requested paper size.
Tray 2 Open
Close Tray E021
Self-explanatory. Close the tray.
Tray 3 Open
Close Tray E022
Self-explanatory. Close the tray.
Trimming Trash Box Full
Empty Box E028
The trimming trash box of the
Publishing Finisher is full.
Empty the box.
Trimming Trash Box Not Set
Check Box
The trimming trash box of the
Publishing Finisher is not seated
Reseat the box.
Trimming Unit Not Set
Check Unit
The trimming unit of the Publishing
Finisher is not seated properly.
Reseat the trimming unit.
Wait Status message.
Wait for the printer to return to a Ready
Waiting for data
Status message. May appear if: 1) a
large file is being processed, 2) the
network connection is slow, or 3) a print
job was not terminated correctly.
Wait for the printer to return to Ready
Warming up
Status message. Displayed during the
power up cycle.
Wait for the printer to reach a Ready
Message Description Corrective Action