Product Support Guide
D052 / D053 / D054
Ver. 1.5 Page 27 of 41 12/12/2008
Scan to Folder
Protocol Support: SMB (Server Message Block), FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Security: Client folder log-in (log-in name and password)
Encryption of log-in name and password during transmission
Resolution: 100dpi, 200dpi (Default), 300dpi, 400dpi, 600dpi
Register client folder address in
Max. 2,000 folders
Maintain client folder address in
Direct input on operation panel,
WebImageMonitor, SmartNetMonitor
Destination client folder address
input via soft key:
SMB: Network path -> User account -> Password
FTP: Server -> Network path -> User account -> Password
NCP: Network path -> User account -> Password -> Bindery or NDS
Search client folder: SMB: Browsing directly to the designated folders
FTP: By client folder name
NCP: Browsing directly to the designated folders
Max. client folder numbers per
Max. 50 client folders / PCs per send
Destination Combination: Please refer to 4.6.4.
Group address: Max. 100 destinations (To Folder: 50, To E-mail: 100) (*1)
e.g. 100 destinations 50 folders included >>>OK
100 destinations 51 folders included>>>Failure
Input Subject: No
Scan File Size: No limitation (Depends on PC HDD and memory.)
File Size when combined Scan to
Folder & Scan to E-mail:
128 – 102,400kB, Default = 2,048KB (With restriction)
725MB (Without restriction)
(Scan to E-mail file size applied).
File type: Single Page TIFF/JPEG, Single Page PDF, Multi Page TIFF, Multi
Page PDF, High-compression PDF
Program User Setting: Yes (up to 10 programs)
Dividing file in Scan to E-mail: Yes (By page or size) / No, Default = Yes(By size)
(When Scan to PC combine with Scan to E-mail)
Resend: Yes / No, Default = Yes
(*1) User can send to Max. 100 destinations in the same group. But the number of folders has to be less than 50, since
Max. folder destinations are 50. If there are more than 50 folder destinations registered in the Group address, a message
pops up.
Maximum Addresses per Send (combination of E-mail and Folder)
Input via: Condition 1:
Max. addresses can
select or input
Condition 2:
Max. address allowed
in a single operation
Condition 3:
Combination of
addresses: Max.
Address book 500
Scan to E-
Manual input 100
Address book 50
Scan to
Manual input 50
The number of destinations which users can input must satisfy all of the above 3 conditions.
Subject to change without notice