Shooting Menu
Slow Shutter Limit
The maximum shutter speed can be limited to the following: 1/8 second, 1/4
second, and 1/2 second. When this function is set to [Off], the maximum shutter
speed varies depending on the ISO setting.
Note ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• When time exposure is set, priority is given to time exposure.
• When scene mode is set to [Night. Port.] or [Nightscape], the maximum shutter
speed for [Night. Port.] or [Nightscape] is given priority.
• When the flash is set to [Flash Synchro.], the longest shutter speed is one
• When using the slow shutter limit, the light quantity may be insufficient
depending on the brightness of the subject, resulting in a dark image. In this
case, try the following:
• Selecting a greater slow shutter limit.
• Raising the ISO setting. (GP.78)
• Using the flash. (GP.29)
Date Imprint
You can insert the date (YY/MM/DD) or the date and time (YY/MM/DD hh:mm) at
the lower right of a still image. Select [Off] to turn date imprint off.
Note ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Make the date and time settings in advance. (GP.96)
• [Date Imprint] cannot be used with movies.
• The date imprinted in an image cannot be deleted.
Exposure Compensation
Choose exposure compensation.
White Balance
Adjust the white balance.
ISO Setting
Adjust ISO sensitivity.
Restore Defaults
Select [Yes] and press the ADJ./OK button to restore shooting menu settings to
their default values.
Shooting menu options ------------------------------------------------------------
The options displayed in the shooting menu vary with the selected shooting
mode. In scene mode, the options displayed vary with the selected scene. See
P.118 for more information.