
Chapter 4 - 18
When the user clicks on the [Add Queue] button, a dialog box appears
(see above) where the user can add a queue to the printer.
Below is a description of each field:
Connection/Server: Use to select a server connection. This list
includes the NDS connection and all of the bindery file server
connections which the user has. The NDS connection is always the
first one listed, by default. When a new connection is selected, the
Queue field is automatically updated.
NDS Context: Specifies an NDS context for the queue. NWSetup
lists all the queues within this context or the subcontexts in the
Queue field. This field is only enabled when NDS support is
enabled. By default, the NDS Context should be set to the
preferred NDS context specified in the Print Server Settings
Queue: Lists all the queues available on the currently selected
If an NDS connection is specified, then a list of all queue names in
the selected context and, all subcontexts is displayed.
If a you change the context in the NDS Context field, or, change
the connection in the Connection/Server field, then the queue list is
refreshed to reflect the new connection or context.
If you double click on a queue in the list, the queue is
automatically added to the printer’s service and you exit this
Deleting a Queue:
Highlight the queue you want to delete and click on the [Delete
Queue] button. A confirmation screen appears which asks if you
really want to delete the highlighted queue. Press [Yes] to delete,
or, [No] to cancel the deletion.
Note: If you delete a queue, you are not physically deleting the object
from the file server. In order to delete the queue from a file
server, you must use your NetWare utility to remove the queue
from the file server queue list.
Create Queue When you click on the [<<<Create Queue] button on the Add
Queue to Printer screen, the dialog box below appears:
Below is a description of each field:
Queue Name: Enter the name of the new queue. This field must be
completed in order to create a new queue. The maximum field
length is 48 characters..