To check the paper consumption, look at the total counter and the duplex counter.
The total counter counts all pages printed.
• For one duplex page, the total counter goes up by 2.
• For a duplex job of a three-page original, the total counter goes up by 3.
The duplex counter counts pages that have images on both sides.
• For one duplex page, the duplex counter goes up by 1.
• For a duplex job of a three-page original, the duplex counter will only increase by 1, even though
two sheets are used.
Total counter
This machine has a total sides printed counter only (so a duplex print is counted as two, not one). You can
check the total counter in the "Maintenance Mode" or on the "Maintenance Page".
• Total counter: "Maintenance Mode" > "Engine Maintenance" > "Total Counter In" or "Maintenance
The following table shows paper savings and how the counters increase for some simple examples of
single-sided and duplex jobs
Duplex mode:
Simplex Sheet
Duplex Sheets
Total counter
1 1 1 0 1
2 2 1 1 2
3 3 2 1 3
4 4 2 2 4
5 5 3 2 5
7. Energy Saving