3. Function 1 3 and Yes.
4. Input the telephone number of the trans-
fer broadcasting station,
then press Yes.
This machine must be of the same
manufacturer as yours, and it must be
able to act as a Transfer Station.
5. Input the destinations for this transfer broadcaster.
You must use Quick Dials, Speed Dials, or Groups that are stored in the
transfer broadcaster. There is a shorthand notation for this purpose. See the
following examples:
Quick Dial Key 01: 0 1 Yes
Speed Dial Code 10:
1 0 Yes
Group 01:
0 1 Yes
Example: Speed Dial Code 10
NOTE: You can select one Transfer Station, and up to 30 End Receivers for
this Transfer Station.
6. Yes.
7. Either:
Enter more destinations for this transfer broadcaster - go to step 5.
Start the transfer request: Start.
NOTE: You may use some transmission options, such as Send Later.
See page 71.