coPying Pictures to a comPuter
Supplied CD
Inserting the supplied CD in a
CD-ROM drive displays the dialog
shown at right.
• Installing the software: Install the
following software.
DL-10: Copy pictures to the
computer in a single operation.
Irodio Photo & Video Studio: View, manage, edit pictures on
the computer. For more information, see the Help menu in
Irodio Photo & Video Studio or visit the following website:
USB driver: Connect earlier Ricoh cameras to computers
running Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows Me, or
Windows 2000. Not required for this product.
WIA driver: Connect earlier Ricoh cameras to computers
running Windows XP or Windows Vista. Not required for this
• Browse User’s Manual (Software Version): View the Software
User Guide in pdf format (page ix). Acrobat Reader or
Adobe Reader is required; if necessary, install Adobe
Reader as described on page 156.
• Browse CD-ROM Content: View the contents of the CD,
which include Adobe Reader (page 156). To install
Irodio Photo & Video Studio without installing other
software, open the “Irodio Photo & Video Studio” folder
and double-click Irodio Photo & Video Studio.exe.