2408 01/11 Assembly Section 3-5
© 2011 Alamo Group Inc.
Dismounting Loader and Mounting Loader to Tractor
Dismounting Loader
1. Locate tractor and loader on firm level
2. Level and lower bucket to ground. Engage
tractor brakes and shut off tractor engine.
Move lift control lever back and forth several
times to relieve pressure in lift cylinders.
3. Remove 5/8 lock nuts and washers which
clamp hinges closed around mid mounting
tubes on tractor.
4. Unhook and remove rubber strap which
secures hoses to
front of side frame.
5. Start tractor engine and release tractor
brakes. Activate lift control lever to raise side
frame up off midmounting assembly.
Continue rotating loader side frames off
midmounting tubes. Slowly back tractor out of
loader while rotating loader side frames.
Allow loader to roll off front mounting bracket
until lift cylinders are fully extended and yoke
is resting on ground. Engage tractor brakes
and shut off tractor engine.
6. Move lift and bucket control levers back and
forth several times to relieve pressure on lift
and bucket cylinders. Disconnect quick
couplers between loader and tractor. Hang
hoses over loader side frame upright for
storage. Make sure male quick couplers will
not become contaminated during storage.
7. Fasten bolts, washers and nuts onto hinge for
NOTE: Loader should be stored in a dry place. If loader is being stored for an extended period (one month or
more), a coat of grease should be applied to the cylinder shafts to prevent rusting.