Warranty service must be performed by a Remington Company -
owned Service Center or Authorized Service Dealer and damage or
loss of any kind resulting from servicing by any other person is not
covered under warranty. E n closed is a listing of Company - ow n e d
S e rvice Centers. Authorized Service Center Dealers may be found
in the yellow pages of your directory. If you wish, you may mail
the product,p o s t p a i d ,to Remington Products Company L.L.C., 6 0
Main Street, B r i d g e p o r t ,CT 06604 A t t e n t i o n :S e rvice Department.
U.S. Warranty Service
In the United States, service is pro v i d e d
by our Company-owned Service Centers
and over 300 Authorized Service Dealers.
The addresses of our Company-owned
S e rvice Centers are enclosed. For the
a d d r ess of your nearest Authorized Serv i c e
D e a l e r, please consult the Yellow Pages
under “Shaver - Electric - Repair.” If you
wish, you may mail the product, postpaid,
to Remington Products Company L.L.C.,
60 Main Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604,
Attention: Service Depart m e n t .
International Warranty Service
S e r vice under the Remington warranty can
be obtained outside the United States by
Remington-Authorized Distributors and
S e r vice Dealers. Please consult your local
telephone dire c t o ry for the nearest location.
For questions or comments,please write:
Remington Products Company, L . L . C .
P. O .Box 1536,
H o r s h a m ,PA 19044-6536
A t t e n t i o n :Consumer A f f a i r s
Questions or Comments: Please call 1-800-736-4648.
Visit us at http:\\www. r e m i n g t o n - p r o d u c t s . c o m
60 Main Street Bridgeport,CT 06604
R e m i n g t o n ,MicroScreen and
S h av e r S aver are trademarks of
Remington Corporat i o n ,L . L . C .
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