Loading and Unloading Your Shotgun (cont’d)
1. Break open the shotgun by use of the top lever, and tip the barrels down.
2. Remove the shell(s) from the chamber(s) by grabbing them by the rim of the shell(s) and pulling them
from the chambers and store them in a safe place.
3. Visually check the barrels to make sure that they are free from obstructions. (See
Picture 22).
4. Engage the trigger block safety after the shotgun is unloaded.
Cocking and Uncocking Your Shotgun
1. While keeping your fingers away from the triggers, grab the shotgun firmly with your right
hand around the stock’s pistol grip. Place your right thumb on the top of the right hammer.
Pictures 23A and 23B).
2. Pull the hammer rearward until it locks in the cocked position. (See
Picture 23C).
3. Next, place your right thumb on the left hammer and pull
it rearward until it locks in the cocked position.
Picture 24).
4. Keeping your shotgun pointed in a safe direction, or at
your intended tar
get, r
emove the safety and pull the trigger
of the bar
rel you want to shoot first.
Picture 23A Picture 23B
Picture 2#C
Picture 24
Picture 22