Warranty service must be performed by a Remington Company -
owned Service Center or Authorized Service Dealer and damage or
loss of any kind resulting from servicing by any other person is not
covered under warranty. E n closed is a listing of Company - ow n e d
S e rvice Centers. Authorized Service Center Dealers may be found
in the yellow pages of your directory. If you wish, you may mail
the product, postpaid,to Remington Products Company, L.L.C.,
60 Main Street, B r i d g e p o r t , CT 06604 A t t e n t i o n : S e rvice Department.
U.S. Warranty Service
In the United States, service is pro v i d e d
by our Company-owned Service Centers
and over 300 Authorized Service Dealers.
The addresses of our Company-owned
S e rvice Centers are enclosed. For the
a d d ress of your nearest Authorized Serv i c e
D e a l e r, please consult the Yellow Pages
under “Shaver - Electric - Repair.” If you
wish, you may mail the product, postpaid,
to Remington Products Company, L.L.C.,
60 Main Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604,
Attention: Service Depart m e n t .
International Warranty Service
S e r vice under the Remington warranty can
be obtained outside the United States by
Remington-Authorized Distributors and
S e rvice Dealers. Please consult your local
telephone dire c t o ry for the nearest location.
For questions or comments, please write:
Remington Products Company,L . L . C .
50 Commerce Drive
Tr u m b u l l , CT 06611-5403
A t t e n t i o n : Consumer A f f a i r s
Visit us at www. r e m i n g t o n - p r o d u c t s . c o m
R e m i n g t o n , M i c r o S c r e e n ,T C T, Total Closeness Te c h n o l o gy, Intercept Trimmer
and Shaver Saver are trademarks of Remington Corporat i o n ,L . L . C .
© 2001 R.P. C , L . L . C . Job # S01-077 8/01 P/N. 1 3 8 6 3
Patents Pending in U.S and Canada
Remington Products Company,L . L . C .
60 Main Street
B r i d g e p o r t , CT 06604
Remington Products (Canada) Inc.
61 Amber Street
M a r k h a m ,Ontario L3R 3J7
Questions or Comments: Please call 1-800-736-4648
in the U.S.or 905-470-9400 in Canada