Problem Possible Cause Solution
Start button does Unit is not plugged in. Plug the unit into a rated
not light up. voltage outlet.
Boiling chamber is not fully Make sure the boiling
inserted. chamber is placed properly.
See #8 on page 5
Start button lights The fan’s delayed start Wait at least 30 minutes for
but fan does system has not yet the fan to start.
not star
t. activated the fan.
unit Unit is not plugged in. Plug the unit into a rated
does not operate. outlet.
Outlet is defective or fuse Check fuses or circuit
or circuit breaker has breakers or call a licensed.
tripped. electrician.
Electrical power has been Press start button to restart.
interrupted. See #9 on page 5.
Steam appears near The baffle is missing or Properly install the baffle.
the top of the boiling improperly installed. See #6 on page 4.
Boiling chamber cap is Securely install the boiling
missing or loose. chamber cap.
Water leaking from The cap is on the water Remove the cap from the
top of unit. bottle. water bottle during AquaVié
Healthy Water System cycle.
The unit shuts Loose baffle, missing The screwed fitting can
off before the cycle baffle or baffle is not become loose during cycles.
is complete. secured properly in the Assure that this fitting is
spout of the boiling tightened before each use.
chamber. The baffle must be installed
with the flat side down (this
means that the hole is down)
and the narrow end inserted
into the spout of the boiling
chamber. See page 5.
The unit is not in a well AquaVié
system must be
ventilated area. operated in a well ventilated
area for proper heat dissipation.
Machine is equipped with
resetable fuse. If the machine
shuts off due to poor
ventilation, allow unit to cool
and reset. Start the machine
by r
ting the boiling
chamber and pushing the
start button. See page 5.
e is excess scale
Clean the boiling chamber
build-up in the boiling
See page 7.