Chapter 3: Fault Finding & Maintenance 29
DRIVE STOPPED The autopilot is unable to turn the rudder (this occurs if the weather
load on helm is too high, or if the rudder position sensor has passed
beyond the preset rudder limits or rudder end-stops).
Check drive and rudder position sensor.
LOW BATTERY Supply voltage has dropped below acceptable limits.
To respond to a Low Battery alarm:
• press standby to clear the alarm and return to hand steering
• start the engine to recharge the battery
LRN FAIL 1, 2 or 4 AutoLearn not completed successfully.
Failure codes:
1 = AutoLearn has not been carried out (default setting)
2 = AutoLearn failed, usually due to manual interruption
4 = AutoLearn failed, probably due to drive or compass failure
Repeat the AutoLearn procedure.
MOT POW SWAPPED Motor cables are connected to power terminals (and power cables are
connected to motor terminals) at course computer. Turn off power and
swap over connections.
NO DATA Caused by any of the following situations:
• the compass is not connected
• the autopilot is in Wind Vane mode and it has not received wind
angle data for 30 seconds
• the autopilot is in Track mode and:
• the autopilot is not receiving SeaTalk navigation data, or
• the position sensor (GPS, Loran, Decca) is receiving a low strength
signal – this will clear when the signal improves
Check connections to the compass, wind instrument and navigator.
Note: The autopilot stops adjusting the heading as soon as it loses
The controller is not receiving data from the SmartPilot computer.
Check connections and check course computer is switched on.
GyroPlus yaw sensor has failed:
• If you have a S1G, S2G or S3G course computer with internal
GyroPlus sensor – call a Raymarine service agent.
• If you have a Non-G
course computer with external GyroPlus yaw
sensor – check the sensor and connections, then call a Raymarine ser-
vice agent.
SEATALK and FAIL 1 or 2
SeaTalk data problem on one of the SeaTalk lines – check connections.
The control unit cannot transmit data to the SeaTalk system. Make sure
all SeaTalk cables are connected properly.