Chapter 2: Advanced Operation 25
Response level
This sets the default SmartPilot response level setting. The response level
controls the relationship between course keeping accuracy and the amount of
helm/drive activity. You can make temporary changes to response during
normal operation (see Operation Guide).
S1G, S2G and S3G systems
Non-G SmartPilot systems
Screen Text Options
RESPONSE Range = 1 to 9
levels 9 to 7 gives the tightest course keeping and greatest
rudder activity (and power consumption). This can lead to a
rough passage in open waters as the SmartPilot may ‘fight’
the sea.
levels 6to 4 should give good course keeping with crisp,
well controlled turns under normal operating conditions
levels 3 to 1 minimizes the amount of pilot activity. This con-
serves power, but may compromise short-term course-keep-
ing accuracy
Screen Text Options
RESPONSE 1 AutoSeastate on (Automatic deadband)
The SmartPilot will gradually ignore repetitive boat move-
ments and only react to true variations in course. This provides
the best compromise between power consumption and
course keeping accuracy
RESPONSE 2 AutoSeastate off (minimum deadband)
This setting provides tighter course keeping but will lead to
increased power consumption and drive unit activity
RESPONSE 3 AutoSeastate off + counter rudder yaw damping
This setting provides the tightest possible course keeping by
introducing counter rudder yaw damping