
In 1 second, “FOG 1 “ disappears and the station speaker selection appears.
The Fog 1 alarm pattern is: One 5-second blast at 2 minute intervals.
C. STOP (Fog 2) Usage: Power Boat “STOPPED”
This automatic fog signal is emitted when the vessel is stopped. The message “STOP” appears in
the mode display window and “FOG 2” appears in the speaker station display window
“FOG 2” disappears and the speaker station re-appears in the station display window.
The FOG 2 signal pattern is: Two 5-second blast, with a 2 second interval between each blast,
this will be repeated every 2 minutes.
D. SAIL (FOG 3) Usage: Sail Boat, Fish Boat, Tow Boat
This automatic fog signal is used for sail boats, fish boats and tow boats underway. “SAIL”
appears on the mode display part and “FOG 3” appears in the station display window when you
press the [FOG] key.