
Trademarks and registered trademarks
Autohelm, HSB, Raymarine, RayTech, RayTech RNS, Sail Pilot, SeaTalk and
Sportpilot are registered trademarks of Raymarine Limited. Apelco is a
registered trademark of Raymarine Holdings Limited (Registered in all
major marketing territories).
AST, Autoadapt, Auto GST, Autoseastate, Autotrim, Bidata, Marine Intelli-
gence, Maxiview, On Board, Raychart, Raynav, Raypilot, Raystar, ST40,
ST60, Seaclutter, Smart Route, Tridata and Waypoint Navigation are trade-
marks of Raymarine Limited.
All other product names mentioned are trademarks or registered trade-
marks (if applicable) of their respective companies.
© Raymarine UK Ltd 2006