Chapter 3: Operation 3-25
Time/Date Data
The Time/Date display comprises text data occupying the whole screen:
TIME 12:34
DATE 26/01/99
ETA (WAYPOINT) 13:37 26/01/99
ETA (ROUTE) 14:32 27/01/99
TTG (ROUTE) 34:03
50°45 .000 N
001°06 .000 W (c)
Textual data provides Sunrise and Sunset time, Current Time/ Date, Waypoint
and Route arrival times plus the XTE indicator.
Sunrise and Sunset times are for the selected day and at the selected position.
The TODAY indicator emphasises that the sunrise and sunset times relate to the
current day. If you select another day, the TODAY text is replaced with ON
XX/XX/XX where XX/XX/XX is the selected date in the current format.
When the Time/Date screen is first opened, the data relates to the current day,
unless there is no date information available. In this case the last date is used.
The vessel’s current position is used unless there is no GPS fix in which case the
cursor position is used and shown as a USER SELECTED position.
The position data can be either as selected by you, in which case the text relating
to the position is USER SELECTED, or the current position in which case the
text is VESSEL.
The (c) indicator only appears when the position has been user calibrated.
The Time and Date fields show the local current time and date.
The TTG and ETA (WAYPOINT) data relates to the target waypoint. The
TTG and ETA (ROUTE) data relates to the end of the route.
All data is based on the SOG towards the current target. If the SOG is negative,
or data is not available, these fields are replaced with dashes, one per character.