Appendix A: Specification 205
Radar Features
Range Scales (Range Rings) 1/8 (1/16)nm to 72 (12) nm dependant on scanner
Performance limited by scanner type and position.
Range Ring Accuracy Better than +/- 1.5% of the max. range scale in use, or 22m (72 ft),
whichever is the greatest.
Bearing accuracy +/- 1°
Variable Range Markers 2 x VRM’s, readout nm, sm, km
Electronic Bearing Lines 2 x EBL’s, floating if required, resolution 1°
Bearing scale 360° graduated at 10° intervals
2° small ticks
10° large ticks
Minimum range 23m (25 yds)
Range Discrimination 23m (25 yds)
Presentation Modes Head up, Course up or North up (selectable True or Magnetic)
Relative or True Motion
Scanner Control Interference rejection, standby/transmit modes, pulse selection,
Tune, Rain, FTC and Sea controls, with selection of manual or
automatic control of gain, sea clutter and tune (Auto GST
Magnetic Sensor NMEA (required for fast heading data, suitable for MARPA), or
Waypoint Display Target waypoint displayed with User control of symbols and
MARPA Manual acquisition of 10 targets, automatic tracking, dangerous
target alarms, safe zone, target history, true or relative vectors,
CPA graphics and indication of target speed/course, bearing/
range, CPA and TCPA.
Variation Source Auto (SeaTalk/NMEA/Internal algorithm) or Manual
Guard Zone Alarm 2 guard zones, selectable sensitivity level, audible alarm
Off centre function In Relative Motion, 66% of radius (except at max. range)
Wakes 10s, 30s, 1 min, 5 min, 10 min, OFF
Target Expansion Operator selectable with 2 levels available, OFF
Timed TX Rotation periods: 10, 20 or 30 scans
Repetition periods: 3, 5, 10 or 15 minutes
AIS overlay Switch AIS symbols on/off. Specify range and display heading/
speed vectors and ROT. View detailed AIS data, safety critical tar-
get data, ALR and SRM messages. Set up a safe zone.
81221_4.book Page 205 Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:24 PM