
Glossary 117
MOB Man overboard
nm Nautical mile
NMEA The NMEA (National Maritime Electronics Association) protocol is an
internationally accepted serial communication interface standard for
sharing data between electronic equipment. Raymarine products can share
information with non-SeaTalk equipment using the NMEA 0183 protocol.
response The autopilot response level controls the relationship between course
keeping accuracy and the amount of helm/drive activity.
rudder gain Rudder gain is a measure of how much helm the autopilot will apply to
correct course errors. The higher the setting the more rudder will be applied.
SeaTalk SeaTalk is Raymarines proprietary communication system. It links the
products to provide a single, integrated system sharing power and data.
SeaTalk bus This refers to the continuous SeaTalk system connecting together a series of
Raymarine units.
SM Statute (land) mile
SSB Single Side Band (radio)
Type 150 Raymarine 12 V course computer without internal GyroPlus
Type 150G Raymarine 12 V course computer with internal GyroPlus
Type 400 Raymarine 12/24 V course computer without internal GyroPlus
Type 400G Raymarine 12/24 V course computer with internal GyroPlus
VHF Very High Frequency (radio)
WindTrim WindTrim (wind response) controls how quickly the autopilot responds to
changes in the wind direction. Higher wind trim settings will result in a pilot
that is more responsive to wind changes.
XTE Cross track error
Yaw The boats rate of turn (°/sec)
Term Meaning