Chapter 3: Advanced Operation 17
3 Advanced Operation
Note: The closer the boat is to the correct heading and track when
you press
track, the quicker the autopilot will bring the boat onto the
new course. If the boat is more than 0.3 nm from the track, the Large
Cross Track Error warning will sound (see page 17).
Exiting Track mode
You can exit Track mode and return to Auto or Standby mode by:
• pressing
auto to return to Auto mode
• pressing
standby to steer manually in Standby mode
Cross track error
Cross track error (XTE) is the distance between the current position
and a planned route. The autopilot receives the cross track error
information from the navigation equipment, and displays the XTE in
nautical miles (
nm), statute miles (SM) or kilometres.
If the cross track error is greater than 0.3 nm, the ST6001+ will sound
the Large Cross Track Error warning and show whether you are to the
(Pt) or starboard (Stb) of the planned track.
Automatic track acquisition
at 270˚
at 270˚
From auto mode, press track to enter Track mode: Then press track again to turn boat to waypoint: