This is especially important with wiring for the boat’s ignition,
alternator, or tachometer. It is also helpful to keep the transducer
cable away from the FishFinder power cable. If it is necessary to run
the transducer cable across any wires, make the crossing at a right
• Use only genuine Raytheon cables. During the installation, do not cut
the transducer cable or remove the connector. Do not try to shorten
or splice the cable. The transducer cable includes several wires,
along with shielding and insulation. If the cable is cut, it cannot be
repaired. (Cutting the cable will also void the warranty.) During
installation, if you need to drill any holes for the cable, they must be
large enough to accept the connector. This will allow you to make the
installation without cutting the wire.
• A “suppression ferrite” may be attached to one of the cables. See
Fig. 2-8. If you must remove the ferrite during installation, be sure to
reassemble it in the same position.
Fig. 2-8