Appendix C: Frequently Asked Questions
What is UST-IP? UST-IP is the easiest, fastest, most reliable way to remotely access and
manage multiple servers connected to a Paragon II - no matter where you
are or where your servers are located.
How does UST-IP work? UST-IP connects to the Cat5 Paragon switch. Using Raritan’s powerful
frame-grabber and compression technology, it captures, digitizes, and
compresses the video signal before transmitting to a remote PC.
What level of control does
a UST-IP remote user
have over attached Target
The remote user has direct access and total control of target servers for
maintenance, administration, and troubleshooting, from running GUI
applications to BIOS-level troubleshooting, and even rebooting.
Remote Access Software
has been available for a
long time. What makes
UST-IP different?
With UST-IP, the UST-IP software runs only on the UST-IP unit itself, not
on each individual Target Server. Traditional Remote Access Software
solutions require software to be loaded and running on each Target Server,
which must offer a supporting Operating System. This can create
compatibility, performance, and reliability issues on mission critical Target
What remote access
connection methods can
UST-IP accommodate?
UST-IP provides network administrators with a choice of remote access via
Internet, LAN/WAN, or dial-up modem. That means servers can be
accessed both in and out of band, so remote access to mission-critical target
servers is always available - even if the network is down.
What types of computers
can UST-IP remotely
UST-IP works independently of a Target Server’s hardware, operating
system, or application software, accessing a Target Server’s main
input/output devices - keyboard, video, and mouse. Consequently, any
hardware that supports standard PC keyboard interfaces, standard PC
mouse interfaces, and standard PC video (VGA) can be used with UST-IP.
Is special software
required for the Remote
Each UST-IP ships with one copy of UST-IP Control software (TRC). This
remote access software runs on any Remote PC with a Windows 98+
operating systems and communicates over Internet, LAN/WAN, or dial-up
modem with UST-IP software on the UST-IP unit. With TRC installed, the
Remote PC is like any other user console in your KVM configuration, but it
can be located anywhere - around the corner, or around the world.
Which Raritan KVM
Switches will work with
Currently, UST-IP is supported with the Paragon II line of switches.
Can I continue to access
my KVM configuration
Yes. UST-IP features a special Direct Analog User port for direct access to
the KVM configuration. This pass through port provides an additional local
access point, which is especially important for single user switches or for
providing critical access to servers if the network is down.
Does UST-IP support
No; it must be part of a Paragon/CommandCenter integration. UST-IP
requires the Paragon username and password.
Is UST-IP easy to install? UST-IP is very easy to install. Just connect it to a user port on an existing
KVM configuration and assign an IP address and/or telephone number for
modem access.