User Station Profile
The User Station Profile screen enables an administrator to select a keyboard mapped for a different
language and to set the elapsed time of video delay when switching channels.
1. Press the <Ç> and <È> or <Page Up> and <Page Down> keys to highlight the desired field and
press <Enter> - the yellow highlight will turn green.
2. Please refer to the sections below for instructions on editing the menu items.
3. When editing is complete, press <Enter> - the highlight will revert to yellow.
4. Press <S> to save changes, or <Esc> to cancel changes.
User Station Profile
Keyboard Type Setting: English
Video delay -- switching: 00 Sec
….. Scrolling Messages Banner…..
ScrlLock | Scan | Skip | NCSL
Figure 61 User Station Profile screen
Keyboard Type Setting
The Paragon OSUI supports English, French, or German keyboard mapping.
To select a keyboard type:
1. Press the <Ç> and <È> keys and select the desired keyboard type.
2. Press <Enter> to register the change, then <S> to save, or press <Esc> to exit without saving.
Note: When changing keyboard type, the change is applied only
to the User Station
where this selection has been made.
Video Delay -- Switching
Use this field to adjust the amount of delay time (in seconds) when switching from channel to
channel. The delay can be programmed to last from 0 to 30 seconds; during the delay, the screen will
be blank.
To adjust Video delay:
1. Press the <Ç> and <È> keys to increase or decrease the number of seconds, or use the number
keys to type in the amount of time desired for video delay, to a maximum of 30 seconds.
2. Press <Enter> to register the change, then <S> to save, or press <Esc> to exit without saving.