10 MXU2
Manual Chapter 3. Administrator Functions
Status Line
Help Messages
System Configuration
Device ID: Base MXU2
Timeout: On Logout 05 Min
Access Mode: Free Access
Allow Blank Password: Yes
KB Language Type: English
Login Blank: Off 05 Minutes
Login Help Mode: Multi-Line
User 1-2 Tier: NO NO
Figure 9 System Configuration Menu
• Device ID: This is the name of the MXU2. Type in the desired name of the device. This
gives the device a unique and meaningful name, which is important if you have multiple
MXU2 units. The default name is Base MXU2.
• Timeout: This is the amount of time—in minutes—before a user is logged out of the
MXU2 system or disconnected from a computer, if the user console is idle for that
amount of time. The default settings are On/Logout/05.
On/Off: Use the <!> and <"> keys to toggle On/Off.
Logout/Disc.: Use the <!> and <"> keys to toggle Logout/Disc.
Time: Type a number from 01 to 99, or use the <!> and <"> keys to increment or
decrement the Time Out time in minutes.
• Access Mode: Use the <!> and <"> keys to select one of the four Access Modes: Free
Access, Exact Match, Level/Group, and 2-Dgt Level. The default is Free Access. (See
Appendix A: Security Access for details about security classes.)
# The security classes for individual users can be set in the User Configuration Menu.
Security classes for individual channels can be set in the Channel Configuration Menu.
• Allow Blank Password: Use the <!> and <"> keys to toggle Yes or No. This field
controls whether a user may specify a blank password. The default setting is Yes.
# If this field is set to No, a user may not set a blank password. A newly created user has
by default no password unless the user or the administrator sets one.
• KB Language Type: KB Language Type: The OSUI supports English, French, or
German keyboard mapping. Use the <!> and <"> keys to select your keyboard type.
# MXU2 power must be recycled for KB Language changes to take effect..
• Login Blank: The Login Blank feature blanks the Login screen after the user console is
idle for the specified amount of time in minutes. This acts as a screen saver to protect the
monitor. When this screen is blanked, press any key to bring back the Login screen. The
default setting is Off/5 minutes.