• Passthrough access to serial port 1 via Telnet: Select this option to connect an arbitrary
device to the serial port and access it (assuming it provides terminal support) via Telnet.
Select the appropriate options for the serial port from the drop-down menus and use the
Telnet Console or a standard Telnet client to connect to the MCIP.
Date and Time
Figure 36 Date/Time Settings Screen
Use this screen to set up the MCIP unit’s internal clock. You can choose to adjust the clock
manually or use an automated NTP time server.
Click on the radio button before your preference.
User specified time: Type the date in mm/dd/yy format and the time in hh:mm:ss format (please
use military time format, or the 24-hour clock: for example, type 8:30 a.m. as 0830; type 6:45 p.m.
as 18:45).
Click Apply.
Note: If you choose to adjust the time yourself, you may have to readjust time if the MCIP ever
loses power for more than a few minutes.
Synchronize with NTP Server: Type the address of a server to synchronize the internal clock
automatically to the current UTC time in the Primary Time server field.
Click Apply.
Click on the UTC Offset drop-down arrow to advance or delay your timing for any reason.
Note: There is currently no way to adjust the daylight saving time automatically; manually adjust
the UTC offset twice a year to adhere to the daylight savings rules of your country.