Note: If your MasterConsole II is a 16-channel model, MCC16, use the <Page
Up>/<Page Down> keys to view the next or previous group of eight channels.
Using MasterConsole II Security Feature
You can restrict access to MasterConsole II. The Administration Menu is used to turn security on/OFF and
to change the Administrator's Password and the five authorized user passwords. Up to six passwords can be
defined - one Administration Password and five User Passwords.
Note: If security is ON, and the system remains idle (no keyboard, mouse, or front panel
operation for a time interval set by the user-default is 15 minutes), the next user must
enter a user password to establish access. By default, MasterConsole II operates with
security OFF.
Only the Administrator's password provides access to the Administration Menu, which is accessed to turn
security on/off and to change passwords. If you use the security feature, be sure to record and store
passwords where they will be handy to you and other authorized users.
MasterConsole II is delivered with system default passwords. They are:
Admin Raritan
User 1 111
User 2 222
User 3 333
User 4 444
User 5 555
Turning Security on/OFF and Changing Passwords:
1. Activate On-Screen User Interface.
2. Press <F5> to access the Administration Password prompt.
3. Type in the Administration Password and press the <Enter> key.
4. The Administration Menu will be displayed.
Figure 13 Administration Menu
5. Use the <Tab> key to move the cursor forward or use the <Shift-Tab> key combination to move the
cursor back to the desired field and make your changes as follows:
a. To turn Security ON/OFF (default is OFF): Press the <>/<> keys to toggle.
b. To change Security activation delay time (default is 15 minutes). Move to the Time Out field, then
type a number from 01 to 99, or use the <>/<> keys to specify a time interval. If the system
will remains inactive (no keyboard or mouse operation) for this time interval, the next user is
required to enter a password to access the MasterConsole II.