Chapter 12: Command Line Interface (CLI)
The KSX II Serial Console supports all serial devices such as:
Servers, including Windows Server 2003
when using the
Emergency Management Console (EMS-) Special Administration
Console, or SAC with BIOS redirection in the server BIOS.
Layer 2 switches
Rack PDUs (power strips)
Other user equipment
The KSX II allows an administrator or user to access, control, and
manage multiple serial devices. You can use the Command Line
Interface (CLI) to configure the KSX II or to connect to target devices.
The RS-232 interface may operate at all standard rates from 1200 bps to
115.2 kbps. The default settings are 9600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity bit,
one stop bit, and no flow control.
The following figures describe an overview of the CLI commands. See
CLI Commands (on page 235) for a list of all the commands, which
include definitions and links to the sections in this chapter that give
examples of these commands.
The following common commands can be used from all levels of the CLI
to the preceding figure: top, history, log off, quit, show, and help.