Event Log File and On-Screen Error Codes
IP-Reach will display or log an error code in the IP-Reach Event Log Screen in the event of a problem
occurring. Error codes are eight-digit hexadecimal numbers, containing two parts: the first four denote error
type; and the second four digits denote a location code.
These last four digits of the IP-Reach error code are the most useful in determining what has caused a
system failure. Below is a list of location codes (the last four digits of an error code), and their meanings.
0001 – 0003 Memory allocation error Reboot IP-Reach. Make sure the BIOS memory test
recognizes at least 64MB of RAM. If the problem
persists, restore the software and file system from the
Recovery CD-ROM.
0004 Could not read the
configuration file on startup.
The file may be corrupt, the
file system may be
damaged, or the config file
might be from an older
version of IP-Reach.
Reenter the configuration information and reboot. If
the problem continues, restore the software and file
system from the Recovery CD-ROM.
0005 The config file was missing.
This may be the first time
you have started IP-Reach
or the file system has
become corrupt.
Reenter the configuration information and reboot. If
the problem continues, restore the software and file
system from the Recovery CD-ROM.
0006 The config file could not be
saved. The file system may
be corrupt or the hard drive
may not be responding.
Retry, but if the problem persists, restore the
software and file system from the Recovery CD-
0007 – 0008 Memory allocation error. Reboot IP-Reach. Make sure the BIOS memory test
recognizes at least 64MB of RAM. If the problem
persists, restore the software and file system from the
Recovery CD-ROM.
Delete Memory allocation error. Reboot IP-Reach. Make sure the BIOS memory test
recognizes at least 64MB of RAM. If the problem
persists, restore the software and file system from the
recovery CD-ROM.
0009 Could not find the frame
grabber card.
Power off the system and make sure the frame
grabber card is inserted firmly. If the problem
persists, there may be a problem with your IP-Reach
000A Frame grabber card is not
responding correctly.
Power off the system and make sure the frame
grabber card is inserted firmly. If the problem
persists, there may be a problem with your IP-Reach
000B Memory allocation error. Reboot IP-Reach. Make sure the BIOS memory test
recognizes at least 64MB of RAM. If the problem
persists, restore the software and file system from the
Recovery CD-ROM.
000C – 000F Memory allocation error. Reboot IP-Reach. Make sure the BIOS memory test
recognizes at least 64MB of RAM. If the problem
persists, restore the software and file system from the
Recovery CD-ROM.