Besides the device itself, what do I need to order from Raritan to
install the KX II?
Each server that connects to the KX II requires a Dominion or Paragon
Computer Interface Module (CIM), an adapter that connects directly to
the keyboard, video, and mouse ports of the server.
What kind of Cat5 cabling should be used in my installation?
The KX II can use any standard UTP (unshielded twisted pair) cabling,
whether Cat5, Cat5e, or Cat6. Often in our manuals and marketing
literature, Raritan will simply say "Cat5" cabling for short. In actuality, any
brand UTP cable will suffice for the KX II.
What types of servers can be connected to the KX II?
The KX II is completely vendor independent. Any server with
standard-compliant keyboard, video, and mouse ports can be connected.
How do I connect servers to the KX II?
Servers that connect to the KX II require a Dominion or Paragon CIM,
which connects directly to the keyboard, video, and mouse ports of the
server. Then, connect each CIM to the KX II using standard UTP (twisted
pair) cable such as Cat5, Cat5e, or Cat6.
How far can my servers be from the KX II?
In general servers can be up to 150 feet (45 m) away from the KX II
depending on the type of server. Refer to the Raritan website
(www.raritan.com) or Target Server Connection Distance and Video
Resolution for more information. For the new D2CIM-VUSB and
D2CIM-DVUSB CIMs that support virtual media and Absolute Mouse
Synchronization, a 100 (30 m) foot range is recommended.
Some operating systems lock up when I disconnect a keyboard or
mouse during operation. What prevents servers connected to the
KX II from locking up when I switch away from them?
Each Dominion computer interface module (DCIM) dongle acts as a
virtual keyboard and mouse to the server to which it is connected. This
technology is called KME (keyboard/mouse emulation). Raritan's KME
technology is data center grade, battle-tested, and far more reliable than
that found in lower-end KVM switches: it incorporates more than 15
years of experience and has been deployed to millions of servers
Are there any agents that must be installed on servers connected to
the KX II?