TCCI-1 • 9
To enter these codes into the program, press “O” on the main menu, then
choose the type of data transfer you require. In the case of the Yeasu FT-
900, you would choose “Enter Hex”. Now you can enter your code in, and in
case of the Yeasu and possibly others, enter the code in reverse.
Now you can press "1" or "2" on the main menu depending on which comm
port you are using. If you accidently press the comm port where your mouse
is running, it may disable your mouse temporarily until you restart another
program. Watch carefully on the radio to see if anything happens when you
transmit this data through the interface.
If the radio is receiving the data it means that your interface cable is
operating properly. If the display shows that it is receiving the data, but no
action occurs, check the op code you are using to make sure it is being
entered in the correct order, as well as the correct op code. If so, check
your comm specs again.
Naxt try to send out a code that returns some information-such as to
retrieve the operating frequency. This will help to verify that your receive
data line is operational also. Set up the comm specs as before and then
enter an op code that returns data. Now Comm test should show you the
data it has received after sending out the op code. If you are able to receive
something, rejoice, everything should work for you. If not, you will want to
check everything out, such as; your wiring, certain functions being enabled
on the radio, the correct op codes being used, and so on. If you are still
having trouble, have a fellow computer wiz help you out, maybe there is
something you missed.
Also note that not all radios send back their information in ASCII type code.
Most of the information they send back is encoded information, which when
displayed on the screen will look like Greek to most of us. You don't really
need to decode the information unless you are really expecting ASCII and
did not get it. If that is the case, you may wish to check the clock speeds of
your radio or computer, either that or turn the computer off, and then on
again to reset the serial ports. This is a problem beyond the scope of the
interface cable and the solution is in your existing hardware.