
890-013 06/02/99 Version 1 Page 5 © 1999 RadioLAN. All rights reserved.
Inserting and removing the MOBILINKInserting and removing the MOBILINK
The transceiver comes installed on the end of the PCMCIA card, and is hinged for easy installation
and safe storage after removal. The unit is designed to open at a 130-degree angle from the PCMCIA
card. This allows the card to slide completely into the PCMCIA slot inside of the PC.
When using other PCMCIA devices: When the unit is open, the MOBILINK’s antenna points
upward. If you use other PCMCIA devices in a second slot, consider inserting the MOBILINK into the
top slot. This allows cable access to other the other card because the MOBILINK’s antenna does not
cover the other card.
The PC card interfaces the transceiver with your personal computer. It slides into any Type II or Type
III PCMCIA slot inside your notebook. After properly installing the MOBILINK, and software drivers,
you will configure the unit using RadioNET Manager.