
• Copy a number from the redial list by pressing REDIAL/PAUSE
and then , , or REDIAL/PAUSE to select a number. Press
MENU/SELECT to copy the number.
5. Press MENU/SELECT to move to the name. The screen shows
6. Use the dialing keys (see “Character Chart” below) to enter the name
using the method explained in the first four bullets in step 4 above.
Press # to insert a space.
7. Press MENU/SELECT to confirm.
Character Chart
Use the dial pad and the chart below to enter a name (up to 15 characters).
Each press of a particular key causes the characters to be displayed in the
following order:
Characters by number of key presses
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 1 # , - . &
2 A B C 2 a b c
3 D E F 3 d e f
4 G H I 4 g h i
5 J K L 5 j k l
6 M N O 6 m n o
7 P Q R S 7 p q r s
8 T U V 8 t u v
9 W X Y Z 9 w x y z
0 0
* * ? ! / ( ) @
# space
n Note: When entering a name in the directory, the first letter of each
word is automatically capitalized.