Manual for PlatiniX 2 series
Function : Implements multi-boot function by activating one of the partitions.
Limitation: When no partition exists, this button is disabled.
Steps : If there’re two or more partitions, choose one of them by pressing F5
Note : After setting active partition, a letter “A” will be shown in front of this
Function : Adds mirror partition for the disk partition that has no mirror.
Limitation: This function should be performed by order, for example, from partition
1 to 4. If no disk space remains or the last partition has its mirror
partition already, this button is disabled.
Steps : After pressing the “CREATE MIR” button, use F5 key to choose the
partition to create mirror. The partition of which the size is bigger than
the left disk space will be ignored.
Function : Deletes the mirror partition.
Limitation: If there is no mirror partition, this button is disabled. This function
should be performed in reverse order, for example, from partition 4 to 1.
Steps : After pressing the “DELETE MIR” button, only the final mirror partition
can be deleted in order to keep the continuous disk space. If the
warning message is confirmed, the mirror partition will be deleted. By
pressing “N” or “ESC” key, the system quits.
Function : Uninstall RecoveryEasy.
Limitation: None.
Steps : After pressing the “UNINST SFW” button and the warning message is
confirmed, RecoveryEasy will be uninstalled. By answering “N”, the
system quits.
Note : After RecoveryEasy is uninstalled, all the mirror areas have been
disconnected with the relate partitions. If no partition is deleted or
changed in size, or no other partition is created, users have chance to
“Recover existing RecoveryEasy settings” when next time entering
RecoveryEasy partition interface, meanwhile the password will be set
as default setting “qdiqdi”.
F12 : Switches to Recovery User Interface.
ESC : Exits from the Partition User Interface. If users made some mistakes, for
example, wrongly delete a partition, do not press the “ESC” key, press the
reset button on your system at once, in this way users can save their system.