ACTIVE Professional External Modem User’s Manual
The PC or terminal communicates with the modem through the use of the AT
commands. Your communication software will act as an interface between you and
your modem. You read this chapter to customise your configuration.
To issue these industry-standard "AT" commands, first load a communication
software package and then enter Terminal or Interactive Mode (Refer to your
communication software manual).
All command lines must begin with the ASCII letters "AT" and end with "<Enter>"
except for the A/ command and escape characters (default +++), which will be
discussed later. The letters "AT" are sometimes referred to as an attention code. This
command indicates to the modem that one or more commands are to follow. The
"AT" and all following alphabetic characters may be in upper or lower case.
AT must be entered in the same case such as "AT" or "at".
"At" or "aT" are not permitted.
A series of commands can be grouped in a single line. The commands can be entered
in a string with or without spaces for readability. Spaces within or between
commands are ignored. The maximum number of characters in any command line is
39 (including “AT”). During the entry of a command, the backspace key can be used
to correct errors with the exception of “AT”.
If a syntax error is found anywhere in a command line, the remainder of the line will
be ignored and the ERROR result code will be returned. Most commands entered
with parameters out of range will not be accepted and the ERROR result code will be
This chapter lists all the commands used to configure the modem. It includes
standard Hayes AT commands, Hayes V-series commands and extended commands
to control ACTIVE modem.
The symbol * means command setting may be stored in one of the two user
profiles with the AT&Wn command.
A/ Re-execute command
Re-executes the most recent AT command string. The principle
application of connect due to a busy line, no answer, or a wrong number.
This command must appear alone in a command line and must be
terminated by the “/” character. (A <Enter> should not be entered to
end the command.)