ACTIVE Professional External Modem User’s Manual
S42 - S45 Reserved
S46 * Data compression control (Range:136,138) Default : 138
136 Executes error correction protocol with no comp ression
138 Executes error correction protocol with compression
S48 * V.42 negotiation action (Range:0,7,128) Default : 7
0 Disables negotiation; bypass the detection and negotiation
phrases; and proceeds with LAP-M
7 Negotiation enabled
128 Negotiation disabled; bypass the detection and negotiation
phrases; and proceed at once with the fallback action
specified in S36. Can be used to force MNP.
S82 Break handling option (Range:3,7,128) Default : 128
3 Expedited; Modem sends a break immediately; data
integrity is maintained both ahead of and after the break
7 Destructive; Modem sends a break immediately; data being
processed by each modem at the time of the break is
128 In sequence; Modem sends a break in sequence with any
transmitted data; data integrity maintained ahead of and
after break
S86 Connection failure cause code
0 Normal disconnect, no error occurred
4 Loss of carrier
5 V.42 negotiation failed to detect an error-correction modem
at the other end
6 No response to feature negotiation
7 This modem is asynchronous only; the other modem is
synchronous only
8 No framing technique negotiation
9 The modems could not find a common protocol
10 Bad response to feature negotiation
11 No sync information from remote modem
12 Normal disconnect initiated by the remote modem
13 Remote modem does not respond after 10 re-transmissions
of the same message
14 Protocol violation
S91 PSTN transmit attenuation level (Range:0-15) Default : 10
Sets the transmit level from 0 to -15 dBm for the PSTN mode. The
value may be limited as it is a country dependent parameter.
S92 FAX transmit attenuation level (Range:0-15) Default : 10