Quadra-Fire • QVI30S, QVI35S • 340-901 Rev. i • 6/09
E. Contact Information
Printed in U.S.A. - Copyright 2009
This product may be covered by one or more of the following patents: (United States) 4593510, 4686807, 4766876, 4793322, 4811534, 5000162, 5016609, 5076254, 5113843, 5191877, 5218953, 5263471,
5328356, 5341794, 5347983, 5429495, 5452708, 5542407, 5601073, 5613487, 5647340, 5688568, 5762062, 5775408, 5890485, 5931661, 5941237, 5947112, 5996575, 6006743, 6019099, 6048195,
6053165, 6145502, 6170481, 6237588, 6296474, 6374822, 6413079, 6439226, 6484712, 6543698, 6550687, 6601579, 6672860, 6688302B2, 6715724B2, 6729551, 6736133, 6748940, 6748942, 6769426,
6774802, 6796302, 6840261, 6848441, 6863064, 6866205, 6869278, 6875012, 6880275, 6908039, 6919884, D320652, D445174, D462436; (Canada) 1297749, 2195264, 2225408, 2313972; (Australia)
780250, 780403, 1418504 or other U.S. and foreign patents pending.
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• Important operating
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• Read, understand and follow
these instructions for safe
installation and operation.
Quadra-Fire, a brand of Hearth & Home Technologies Inc.
7571 215th Street West, Lakeville, MN 55044
www.quadrafi re.com
Please contact your Quadra-Fire dealer with any questions or concerns.
For the location of your nearest Quadra-Fire dealer,
please visit www.quadrafi re.com.