October 10, 2001 11 250-5583
Contour Pellet Stove
1. Do not install the stove in a sleeping room.
2. The structural integrity of the mobile home oor, walls
and ceiling/roof must be maintained (i.e., do not cut
through oor joists, wall studs, ceiling trusses, etc.).
3. An outside air inlet must be provided for the combustion
air and be unrestricted while the stove is in use. Use
Outside Air Kit (part #811-0871).
4. The combustion air duct system must be made of
metal. It must permit zero clearance to combustible
construction and prevent material from dropping into
the inlet or into the area beneath the dwelling and
contain a rodent screen.
5. The stove must be secured to the mobile home by
bolting it to the oor (using lag bolts).
6. The stove must be grounded with #8 copper grounding
wire or equivalent, terminated at each end with an NEC
approved grounding device.
7. Refer to Clearances to Combustibles Section on page
4 for listings to combustibles and appropriate chimney
8. Seal all wall and oor inlets to prevent air or moisture
penetration. Check periodically to ensure the inlet is
free of obstruction (e.g., snow, ice).
9. Installation should be in accordance with the Manufac-
tured Home and Safety Standard (HUD), CFR 3280,
Part 24.
1. A 24 volt AC thermostat is required to operate this
pellet stove and is included. It is equipped with an
adjustable heat anticipator. The current rating is .05
amps. The anticipator needs to be adjusted to the
lowest setting available.
2. When mounting a thermostat on a wall, be sure to follow
your thermostat installation instructions carefully.
NOTE: Be sure the thermostat is mounted level for
accurate readings. The thermostat should be mounted
on an inside wall and not in direct line with the stove
convection air.
NOTE: If the thermostat is located too close to the
stove, you may need to set the temperature setting
slightly higher to maintain the desired temperature in
your home.
There is a four screw terminal block located on the back
of the stove beside the power cord inlet. The center
two screws are for the thermostat wires.
Wood Pellets
Fuel pellets are made from sawdust or wood by-products.
If the source material is hardwood, they will have a higher
mineral content, creating a heavier ash. Minerals and
other noncombustible materials, such as sand, will turn
into glass when heated to the extreme temperatures our
repot reaches. This is what forms clinkers in the bottom
of the repot. Trees from different areas will vary in mineral
content. That is why some fuels produce more clinkers
than others. Pellets are manufactured in either 1/4” (6mm)
or 5/16” (8mm) diameter and many varying lengths. Pellet
lengths may even vary by lot from the same manufacturer
which is why the feed rate may need to be adjusted
occasionally. We recommend that you buy fuel in multi-
ton lots whenever possible. Buying large quantities of
fuel at once will greatly reduce the number of times the
feed adjustments will need to be made. However, we
do recommend trying various brands before purchasing
multi-ton lots to ensure customer satisfaction.
Shelled Field Corn
Extensive factory and field testing has demonstrated
shelled eld corn to be an efcient and very economical
fuel. We recommend the use of a 50-50 blend of corn
and wood pellets. The only change in operation is that
the feed rate may require a slight adjustment. The BTU
output of the appliance varies slightly compared to pellets,
depending on the quality of the corn used. In cases
where it is acceptable for the stove to run full time,
100% corn will work after the re has been started using
wood pellets.
a. First, make sure your stove has been properly installed
and that all safety requirements have been met. Pay
particular attention to the re protection, venting and
thermostat installation instructions.
b. Now open the front door of the stove and remove
all of the accessories that were placed there for
shipment. Remove any labels that may be afxed
to the glass.
c. Check the position of the Thermocouple and make
sure that it protrudes approximately 1” (2.5cm) into the
repot. It may be necessary to slide the Thermocouple
and Thermocouple Cover (ceramic protection tube)
into their proper positions. Now close the front door.
NOTE: Thermocouple Cover tip must be touching
the tip of the Thermocouple.