December 6, 2011
Page 15
EDGE 60 Pellet Fireplace
D. Accessing Components for Maintenance
Pellets Back-Up
in Feed Tube
Firepot Overfills
Ash Build-Up in Firebox
Figure 15.1
If the ash build-up exceeds the half way point in the fi repot
before it automatically cleans, then the fi repot is not being
cleaned often enough.
Another symptom is if clinkers are adhering to the sides of
the fi repot.
Double check the wall control to ensure the proper setting
has been selected for the fuel you are burning. If that is cor-
rect, change the setting to “Utility Pellet”.
NOTE: You will need to empty the ash pan more fre-
quently if using the “Utility Pellet” setting.
C. High Ash Fuel Content Maintenance
• Frequency: When the ash build-up exceeds the half
way point in the fi repot
• By: Homeowner
WARNING! Risk of Fire and Smoke!
• High ash fuels or lack of maintenance can cause fi repot to
overfi ll. Follow proper shutdown procedure if ash buildup
exceeds half way point in fi repot.
• Failure to do so could result in smoking, sooting and pos-
sible hopper fi res.
Figure 15.2
One bolt located on each side of fireplace
Pull fireplace toward you until
fully extended
Slide Rails
Figure 15.3
Follow the proper shutdown procedure found on page 14.
2. Remove the Front. Lay it on a soft surface to prevent
3. Remove both bolts located on each lower side of the fi re-
place with a Phillips head screwdriver or socket wrench
and set aside. Figure 15.2.
4. Pull the fi replace towards you until fully extended. Figure
5. Components are now exposed for service.
6. Slide the fi replace back into the outer can. Re-attach the
bolts ensuring that the attachment brackets are securely
fastened. This will prevent the fi replace from unexpect-
edly sliding out on the rail system. Figures 15.4 and
7. Double check the bolts and brackets are correctly
positioned to ensure the exhaust gaskets are prop-
erly sealed to prevent combustion leakage.
Attachment brackets shown in open position.
Fireplace is not secure and can roll forward
on the rails. Also the exhaust gaskets are
not sealed properly and combustion leakage
will occur.
Brackets separated
Figure 15.4
Attachment brackets are tightly fastened to one another so
fireplace is secure and will not roll forward on the rails. It also
ensures the exhaust gaskets are sealed properly to prevent
combustion leakage.
Figure 15.5