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32198A February 15, 2002 32198A February 15, 2002
Cape Cod Wood Stove
Here are a few tips on operating your Cape Cod stove to obtain maximum efficiency with lowest
1. When initially loading the stove, burn your Cape Cod with the primary air control wide open
for a minimum of 15 minutes, and the start-up air control open for 5 to 15 minutes. Then adjust
for your desired heat output.
2. Regulate burn rate (heat output) by using the primary air slide control (center, under ashcatcher).
The start-up air control (on the right) is used only for initial start-up.
3. Heat output settings: See TABLE A below. These are approximate settings, and will vary with type
of wood or chimney draft. Always burn dry, well-seasoned wood.
NOTE: If you have installed a blower, please see pg. 25 for operating considerations.
CAUTION! If the door handle is left on the stove during operation, it may
overheat and cause burns to your hand, either remove the handle during
operation, or wear protective gloves. Also, use care when operating the draft
control knobs as they also become hot during operation.
Following a minimum of 5 to 15 minutes burning with both controls wide open:
BTU/Hr. Start-Up Control Primary
Below 10,000 Closed after 5 - 15 minutes Pull to stop
10,000-15,000 Closed after 5 - 15 minutes - 1 inch open
15,000-40,000 Closed after 5 - 15 minutes 1 - 2 inch open
Maximum heat Closed after 5 - 15 minutes Full open