
SN0054651-00 F B-1
B Shortcut Keys
What are shortcut keys?
You can quickly accomplish tasks you perform frequently by using shortcut keys:
one or more keys you press on the keyboard to complete a task. Tabl e B-1 lists
the shortcut keys available SANsurfer FC HBA Manager and the purpose of each.
Table B-1. Shortcut Keys
Press To
ALT+X Exit SANsurfer
CTRL+N Configure FC ports
F5 Refresh
INSERT Connect to host
CTRL+O Load from file
CTRL+S Save to file
CTRL+T Save to text file
CTRL+SHIFT+C Compare host
DELETE Disconnect selected host
Disconnect all hosts
CTRL+P Display current path
CTRL+SHIFT+O Open host group
CTRL+SHIFT+S Save host group
CTRL+SHIFT+E View tool event log
CTRL+SHIFT+A View HBA event log
CTRL+SHIFT+H Schedule tasks
CTRL+SHIFT+R Generate reports