
button down to select any desired region. As in FSK441, with marginal signals you should
experiment as necessary for best decoding. JT6M can work with signals many dB weaker
than those required for FSK441. You will sometimes find that clicking on a smooth green
line, even where nothing was heard and nothing can be seen, causes callsigns or other
information to pop up out of the noise.
Graphics Window
DF: –600 –400 –200 0 200 400 600 Hz
DT: –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 s
T: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 s
Time synchronization
at DT = 1.9 s
blue line
Sync tone detected
at DF=43 Hz
red line
Decoded Text Box
Text Box
TX Messages
Main Screen
JT65A mode
JT65 requires tight synchronization between transmitter and receiver, so in this mode the
only way to initiate a transmission or reception interval is by toggling Auto to ON. As in
other WSJT modes, an incoming signal is analyzed after a full receiving sequence is
complete. The resulting graphical display includes red and blue lines along with the green
line. The additional curves summarize the program’s attempts to synchronize with the