
User manUal | 9
Plan where the ductwork will be located. Install proper-sized duct work, and roof or wall
cap, depending on where you will be venting your hood. Recommended and most com-
mon installations are shown in the venting diagrams above. Adjust your measurements
to accomodate heights of ceilings, cabinets, or rangetops.
wall hood installation
step 1
Install anchors and screws
Markings you’ll need:
center line of installation area
location of studs
horizontal line 28” - 36” above the cook
top (this is where the bottom of the range
hood will be)
Use one panel of the cardboard ship-
ping box to trace an outline of the
Place the cardboard panel against the
range hood and trace an outline
Find the center point of range hood (di-
rectly between mounting holes) and mark
it on the cardboard panel
Find the mounting points on the hood
and mark them on the panel
Transfer the panel to the wall, lining the
bottom of panel to the horizontal line
Line up the center point of the panel with
center point on the wall
Find mounting points on the cardboard
and poke holes through it, marking where
you will mount the hood to the wall.
Predrill holes where your mounting marks
are, then insert wall anchors and mount-
ing screws