
It is not unusual in drip coffee makers for mineral deposits to build up in the unit. It is caused by minerals commonly found in water.
Every few months, it is recommended that you follow these steps to remove any mineral deposits that may have formed.
1. Fill the water tank to the 6-cup level with undiluted white vinegar.
2. Place a paper filter in the filter basket.
3. Place the carafe on the warming plate and turn the unit ON. When about 3 cups have brewed through, turn the unit off and
let it sit for 15 minutes. Note: You may notice some sputtering as the vinegar is running through. This is normal.
4. Turn unit back on and allow the rest of the vinegar to fill the carafe. Discard vinegar.
5. After descaling the coffee maker, thoroughly rinse the appliance before brewing coffee. Do this by brewing WATER ONLY
twice before brewing coffee.
Note: Commercial coffee maker cleansers can also be used to clean the coffee maker. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Questions and Answers
Since I use bottled water, can I pour it directly from the bottle into the water tank without using the carafe?
Yes. To assure accurate filling, however, you will need to watch the water level indicator. As you pour, a little red ball in the
indicator will rise to indicate the water level.
After I use the carafe to fill the water tank with cold water, the carafe remains cold. Will this cause the brewed coffee
to be cooler?
Any temperature drop is usually negligible because the warming plate begins to heat the carafe as soon as the coffee maker is
turned on. If the water is quite cool, it may have a very slight effect on the temperature of the brewed coffee, especially if you
are only brewing a few cups. If this concerns you, after filling the water tank, you may want to rinse the carafe with warm water
before placing it on the warming plate.
When I use the pause and serve feature, I notice one or two drips. Is this normal?
Like most other drip coffee makers, you may see a few drops when you remove the carafe during the brewing process. Most
drips can be avoided by removing the carafe very slowly.
I notice it taking longer to brew coffee than when I first got my coffee maker. Why?
Brewing time can increase due to the buildup of mineral deposits in your coffee maker. These deposits are caused by minerals
in the water and the amount of buildup varies from one area to another. You should remove these deposits periodically by
“descaling” your coffee maker. Follow the instructions at the top of this page.
I wanted to make 10 cups of coffee but, after brewing, the coffee level doesn’t come up to the 10 cup mark as indicated
on the carafe. Why?
The markings on the carafe indicate how much water is needed to brew 10 cups of coffee and are provided to aid in the filling
of the water tank. As is typical of all drip coffee makers, the amount of brewed coffee is less than the amount of water poured
into the water tank due to the retention of some water in the coffee grounds.
Why can’t I program a time? Nothing happens when I push the buttons.
This will occur if the coffee maker is already in the AUTO mode (the red AUTO light will be on). Push the AUTO ON/OFF
button twice to turn the coffee maker off. You should now be able to program a time.