
Interval Program
The Interval Programs, available by pressing the INTERVAL key, are
among the best for conditioning your cardiovascular system. Each
program raises and lowers your level of exertion repeatedly for the
specified period of time.
Three programs let you choose the rest and work intervals
according to your training regimen.
Note: Only the first program is available on the 946i treadmill.
Interval Program Rest Duration Work Duration
1-1 Interval 2 minutes 2 minutes
1-2 Interval 2 minutes 4 minutes
1-3 Interval 2 minutes 6 minutes
Custom Interval (966i) user specified user specified
Initially, the rest interval is set to 0% grade and 1 mph or 1 kph. The
work interval is set at a 3% grade and the speed remains at 1 mph
or 1 kph.
While exercising, you can vary the speed and change the preset
incline using the INCLINE or SPEED keys. The settings are
repeated throughout the remainder of the program.
Note: Incline changes are limited to +/ 5% grade variance from
the previous incline level.
The display lets you know when the speed or incline levels are
about to change, and indicates the levels of the next interval.
A Custom Interval Program is available on the 966i. It lets you
specify the time durations for the rest and work intervals.
User's Reference Manual: Programs 34