DVD Distortion
There may be an experience with video distortion when
operating cellular phones, scanners, CB radios,
Global Position Systems (GPS)*, two-way radios, mobile
fax, or walkie talkies.
It may be necessary to turn off the DVD player when
operating one of these devices in or near the vehicle.
*Excludes the OnStar
Cleaning the DVD Player
When cleaning the outside DVD faceplate and buttons,
use only a clean cloth dampened with clean water.
Cleaning the Video Screen
When cleaning the video screen, use only a clean cloth
dampened with clean water. Use care when directly
touching or cleaning the screen, as damage may result.
Rear Seat Audio (RSA)
If your vehicle has rear seat audio (RSA), this
feature allows rear seat passengers to listen to
and control any of the following audio sources:
AM/FM tuner, front CD player, and XM™ Satellite
Radio Service (if equipped). However, the rear seat
passengers can only control the sources that the front
seat passengers are not listening to. For example,
rear seat passengers may listen to a CD in the front
radio and control it while the driver listens to the
radio through the front speakers. The rear seat
passengers have control of the volume for each set
of headphones.
The front seat audio controls always have priority over
the RSA controls. If the front seat passengers switch
the source for the main radio to a remote source,
the RSA will not be able to control the remote source.
You can operate the RSA when the main radio is off.
The DVD or auxiliary device will always be available on
channel (CHA or CH1) of the wireless headphones.
All other RSA sources are available on CHB or CH2 of
the wireless headphones, as well as the wired
headphones. If the RSA is off, the wired headphones
will provide DVD or auxiliary device audio. The rear seat
passengers will not be able to listen to XM, on CHB
or CH2, if the front passenger is listening to a DVD or
auxiliary device.