Sedan Models
If you need to secure more than one child restraint in
the rear seat, see Where to Put the Restraint on
page 1-42. Depending on where you place the child
restraint, you may not be able to access certain safety
belt assemblies or LATCH anchors for additional
passengers or child restraints.
You cannot secure three child restraints using the
LATCH anchors in the rear seat at the same time, but
you can install two of them. If you want to do this, install
one LATCH child restraint in the passenger-side
position, and install the other one either in the
driver’s-side position or in the center position. Refer to
the following illustration to learn which anchors to use.
A. Passenger’s Side Rear Seat Lower Anchors
B. Center Rear Seat Lower Anchors
C. Driver’s Side Rear Seat Lower Anchors
Make sure to attach the child restraint at the proper
anchor location.