Setting the Multipoint Viewing Mode
You can choose the way you want to view the sites during a multipoint video
conference. For example, you can view all of the sites at the same time, view
only the site where the speaker is located, or let the system determine what
you see.
To set the multipoint viewing mode:
1. Select System from the Place a Call screen.
2. Select Admin Settings from the System screen.
3. Select Monitors from the Admin Settings screen.
4. Select Multipoint Setup from the Monitors screen.
5. Scroll to Multipoint Mode and select one of the following settings:
Select… To do this…
Auto Allow the system to switch between Discussion and Presentation
modes, based on the interaction between the sites.
If more than one site is talking at the same time, the system
uses Discussion mode so that all speakers can be seen.
If one speaker talks without interruption for about 15
seconds, the system uses Presentation mode so that all
participants can see the speaker can be seen in a larger
Discussion View all of the sites at the same time, including your own site.
This is also known as continuous presence.
Systems with: See this:
Single monitor All sites, each in its own window
Dual monitors Speaker on second monitor, all other sites on
first monitor
Presentation View the person who is speaking. This is also known as voice
activated switching.
The current speaker always sees all sites, each in its own
window, on the first monitor.
Systems with: See this:
Single monitor Speaker in full screen
Dual monitors Speaker on the first monitor and near site on
the second monitor
Full Screen Enable every site in the call to see the speaker full screen.