Diagnostic Tools
1725-36030-001_B.doc 55
Download failure Download aborted, code incompatible. 0x1234
The hex value indicates which types of files failed per
following list:
File type Bit value Hex Value
FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN 00000001 0x1
FILE_TYPE_CFG 00000010 0x2
FILE_TYPE_USBDL 00000100 0x4
FILE_TYPE_OTADL 00001000 0x8
FILE_TYPE_FUNC 00010000 0x10
FILE_TYPE_SUPP (phintl or
other supplemental files)
00100000 0x20
The failures are bitwise or together so for example, if
cfg and USBDL both fail, then the output would be
0x2 | 0x4 which would be 0x6.
Messages are formatted like the following example:
Jan 1 00:01:26.72 0090.7a02.2a1b ( [001a] RStat: AP 00:40:96:48:1D:0C (-56 dBm), Sent
783523, Recvd 791342, MSnt 245, MRcd 5674, BSnt 43, BRcd 10783, TX drop 43 (0.0%), TX retry 578
(1.2%), RX retry 1217 (1.6%)