1. On the User- Incoming Calls menu page, click Call Forwarding Busy. The User – Call Forwarding
Busy page appears.
2. Click “
On” for Call Forwarding Busy.
3. Type the number to forward your calls to in the Calls Forward to text box (dashes, parentheses, or
spaces are not necessary) If this number is not one assigned to the group, type the complete
number: + <country code> <national number>. For example, “+1” must precede long distance calls
within the U.S. This is required information when the service is on. The text box must be populated
with a valid phone number.
4. Save your changes. Click
Apply or OK. Apply saves your changes. OK Saves your changes and
displays the previous page. To exit without saving, select another page or click
Cancel to display
the previous page.
5.6. Call Forwarding Busy: Turn Forwarding OFF
Use this procedure if you do not want to redirect your calls to another number when you are engaged in a
1. On the User – Incoming Calls menu page, click
Call Forwarding Busy. The User – Call Forwarding
Busy page appears.
2. Click “Off” for Call Forwarding Busy.
3. Save your changes. Click
Apply or OK. Apply saves your changes. OK Saves your changes and
displays the previous page. To exit without saving, select another page or click
Cancel to display
the previous page.
5.7. Call Forwarding No Answer: Turn Forwarding ON